Bulk Scheduling - Schedule Multiple Stories At Once
Learn how to schedule multiple story posts at once with Storrito’s new bulk scheduling feature. This tool allows you to plan more complex stories by easily setting times for each scheduled post.
Watch our YouTube tutorial here!
Find the Bulk Scheduling tool in the sidebar
Choose the account you want to schedule posts for by clicking on the account icon - the selected account will be circled in red (e.g. storritofresh)

Click ADD FROM GALLERY to open a pop-up showing your available images and videos (note that archived items won’t appear here)

Click on the items you want to schedule and they will appear in the order you select them


Adjust the post dates and times
When everything is set, click SAVE (posts scheduled in the past will be posted immediately)
To cancel a post, click CANCEL in the row - this removes the post from the table, but don’t forget to save before leaving!
Select cells by clicking, using the arrow keys, or pressing Tab
To edit a cell, click on it again or press Enter - an orange border will appear when the bulk scheduling tool is in editing mode

The post date and time should be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
Copy and paste data by selecting a cell (blue border), pressing Ctrl + C, then pasting it into a new cell with Ctrl + V
Sort posts by post date or story link by clicking the table headers
Watch our YouTube tutorial here!
Getting Started
Find the Bulk Scheduling tool in the sidebar
Choose the account you want to schedule posts for by clicking on the account icon - the selected account will be circled in red (e.g. storritofresh)

Click ADD FROM GALLERY to open a pop-up showing your available images and videos (note that archived items won’t appear here)

Click on the items you want to schedule and they will appear in the order you select them


Adjust the post dates and times
When everything is set, click SAVE (posts scheduled in the past will be posted immediately)
To cancel a post, click CANCEL in the row - this removes the post from the table, but don’t forget to save before leaving!
Navigating the Bulk Schedule Table
The table works like a spreadsheet:
Select cells by clicking, using the arrow keys, or pressing Tab
To edit a cell, click on it again or press Enter - an orange border will appear when the bulk scheduling tool is in editing mode

Formatting tips:
The post date and time should be in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
Copy and paste data by selecting a cell (blue border), pressing Ctrl + C, then pasting it into a new cell with Ctrl + V
Sort posts by post date or story link by clicking the table headers
Updated on: 07/12/2024
Thank you!