Archive Feature
Archive stories in your gallery to keep things organized and maintain a clearer overview.
Archived stories will still be posted according to your schedule
They will not be deleted
Archiving stories (or deleting ones you no longer need) can improve your gallery's performance, especially if you have accumulated a large collection of prepared stories over time. Keeping your gallery streamlined will help you focus on posts scheduled in the near future and help you avoid the clutter of older content.
The archive is a dedicated place in the Storrito gallery where you can move stories you no longer need in your main gallery. Archiving has no impact on your scheduled posts - your stories will still go live as planned. By leaving only upcoming or relevant stories in your gallery, you'll have a much clearer overview.
In the Storrito gallery, you can archive stories by:
Clicking on an image or video in the gallery
Selecting the ARCHIVE button in the pop-up menu below the post preview
To archive multiple items:
Select the items by checking the boxes in the upper-left corner of each gallery item (on mobile, press and hold)
Click the ARCHIVE button at the bottom of the screen
An archived story will no longer be displayed in the gallery but will be accessible in the ARCHIVE tab for future reference.
Archived stories will still be posted according to your schedule
They will not be deleted
Why archive stories?
Archiving stories (or deleting ones you no longer need) can improve your gallery's performance, especially if you have accumulated a large collection of prepared stories over time. Keeping your gallery streamlined will help you focus on posts scheduled in the near future and help you avoid the clutter of older content.
What is the archive?
The archive is a dedicated place in the Storrito gallery where you can move stories you no longer need in your main gallery. Archiving has no impact on your scheduled posts - your stories will still go live as planned. By leaving only upcoming or relevant stories in your gallery, you'll have a much clearer overview.
How to use the archive
In the Storrito gallery, you can archive stories by:
Clicking on an image or video in the gallery
Selecting the ARCHIVE button in the pop-up menu below the post preview
To archive multiple items:
Select the items by checking the boxes in the upper-left corner of each gallery item (on mobile, press and hold)
Click the ARCHIVE button at the bottom of the screen
An archived story will no longer be displayed in the gallery but will be accessible in the ARCHIVE tab for future reference.
Updated on: 28/10/2024
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