How Do I Cancel My Subscription?
If Storrito no longer fits your needs, you can cancel your membership anytime. Here's how you can do it in just a few steps:
Log in to your Storrito account and navigate to the Subscription panel.
Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click Cancel subscription.
If you wish, leave us some feedback when prompted - we really appreciate it!
Click Cancel my subscription at the bottom of the pop-up window to continue.
Confirm your choice by clicking Cancel my subscription once again.
After canceling, you will see (canceled) next to your subscription model at the top of the page in Storrito, e.g. 15x Storrito yearly (canceled).
You can check when your cancellation will take effect in the Subscription panel, under End of your subscription.
You can continue using Storrito until the cancellation date.
All scheduled stories will still be posted until the cancellation takes effect.
You can re-activate your subscription anytime before the cancellation date if you change your mind.
Log in to your Storrito account and navigate to the Subscription panel.
Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click Cancel subscription.
If you wish, leave us some feedback when prompted - we really appreciate it!
Click Cancel my subscription at the bottom of the pop-up window to continue.
Confirm your choice by clicking Cancel my subscription once again.
What happens next?
After canceling, you will see (canceled) next to your subscription model at the top of the page in Storrito, e.g. 15x Storrito yearly (canceled).
You can check when your cancellation will take effect in the Subscription panel, under End of your subscription.
You can continue using Storrito until the cancellation date.
All scheduled stories will still be posted until the cancellation takes effect.
You can re-activate your subscription anytime before the cancellation date if you change your mind.
Updated on: 04/02/2025
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