Storrito V2
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Storrito V1
Old Pricing & Billing FAQ
On April 5th, 2022, Storrito introduced a new pricing model. Since then, both new and returning customers can only subscribe to our updated plans: Storrito Instagram Accounts Monthly or Storrito Instagram Accounts Yearly. Here are some common questions about Storrito's subscriptions, pricing, and billing: Can I upgrade at any time and will I keep my story posts? Yes, you can upgrade whenever you want. ThePopularDownloading Your Invoices
Download your invoices via Storrito Storrito is sold through our reseller, which handles tax compliance for us so we can sell Storrito worldwide. You can download your invoices by going to the subscription tab inside the Storrito app. Click on Show Invoices, then select the invoice you want to download: Download Invoices ( Pricing & Billing FAQ
Here are answers to common questions about Storrito's subscriptions, pricing, and billing: How does it work? Here at Storrito, we like to keep it simple: You pay per Instagram account connected to Storrito. You can schedule and post as manySome readersHow Do I Cancel My Subscription?
If Storrito no longer fits your needs, you can cancel your membership anytime. Here's how you can do it in just a few steps: Log in to your Storrito account and navigate to the Subscription panel. Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and click Cancel subscription. If you wish, leave us some feedback when prompted - we really appreciate it! Click Cancel my subscription at the bottom of the pop-up window to continue. Confirm your choice by clicking Cancel my subscriptSome readersChanging Or Updating Your Payment Method
You can update your credit card or PayPal account by navigating to the subscription panel in Storrito. Once there, click the pen icon under Payment method: Update Payment Method You will be redirected to a page hosted by our payment processor,, where you can update your payment method and billing infoFew readersAdding Your VAT Number/Changing The Address On Your Invoice
First, navigate to the Subscription panel in Storrito and select Show invoices. Once you have selected an invoice, click "Add address & VAT" to add your address and/or VAT number: Add Address & VAT Number If you're a business and want to enter a VAT number, check the "This is a business purchase" box: Business Purchase ( readersWhy We Changed The Pricing
Important note for our existing customers: You can stay on the old pricing plan for as long as you like. Nothing will change for you – you will be billed the same amount as before, and you will have the same number of story posts. But keep reading to find out why the new pricing model might suit you better. Why did we change our pricing? In a word: Complexity. Our old pricing model was overly complex. It created frustration for both our customers and us. The old model’s value metrFew readersWhen Is My Next Billing Date?
Storrito Instagram Accounts Monthly: You can find your next billing date in the Subscription panel of Storrito. This is the date when your next subscription fee will be charged. Storrito Instagram Accounts Yearly: You can find your next billing date in the Subscription panel of Storrito. This is the date when your next subscription fee will be charged. Account holders on our old pricing model: You can also find your next billing date in the Subscription panel of StorriFew readersI Want To Change My Invoicing Email Address
If you need to update the email address where you receive your invoices, please follow these steps: Send us a message with both your current invoicing email address and the new email address you'd like to use. We will forward your request to our payment processor, Paddle, which handles all payment and invoicing details for Storrito. Paddle typically processes these changes within one business day. Once the update is complete, all future invoices will be sent to your new email address.Few readers
What Is And Who Sells Storrito?
Storrito is developed by Vire GmbH, a company based in Cologne, Germany. To handle global sales smoothly, we partner with, which acts as our reseller. Paddle manages all the complicated tax regulations that vary from country to country. This allows us, as a small company, to focus on improving Storrito without worrying about international tax compliance. Thanks to Paddle’s support, Vire GmbH is able to sell Storrito to users worldwide, providing a seamlessFew readersWhere Do I Enter My Coupon Code?
You can enter your coupon code during the checkout process. Choose the number of Instagram accounts you want in the subscription panel of Storrito. Select Add discount and enter your code in the field shown below: Enter Discount Code Click Apply, and voilà, the discounted price will appear!Few readersClaiming Your 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We offer a full 7-day money-back guarantee for users who cancel their subscription within 7 days of subscribing, no questions asked. Here’s how you can request your refund: Step 1: Cancel your subscription To qualify for the money-back guarantee, you must cancel your subscription within 7 days of your first subscription period. Step 2: Request your refund Refunds are not issued automatically, so you’ll need to contact us to request your refund. You can: Use the suppFew readersPast Due Subscriptions
When your subscription is marked as past due, it means that your credit card or PayPal account has either expired or doesn’t have enough funds. Here's what you can do: First, check if there’s an issue with your credit card or PayPal account (like expiration or insufficient funds) Open the Storrito app and navigate to the Subscription panel Under Payment method select the pen icon Paddle checkout will open in a new tab Update your credit card or PayPal informatioFew readers