Articles on: FAQs

How can I cancel my subscription?

If Storrito no longer suits your personal situation, you can cancel your membership at any time. We will show you how to do that in just a few steps.

In your Storrito account, click "Subscription" on the left side.
Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" and find the Cancel subscription button and follow along
We want to make Storrito better, so we would be very thankful if you could provide us a short feedback in the survey
Continue with Cancel my subscription
And confirm again with Cancel my subscription

Please note:

As a confirmation, you will see "Storrito monthly (canceled)" in your top bar
You can also check the date when the cancellation will take effect on the Subscription page. Please find the End of your subscription entry of the top table.
You will be able to continue using Storrito until the end of your subscription.
All stories will be posted until the cancellation takes effect
Until that date you can also return to Storrito at any time

Updated on: 22/08/2023

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